The 100 Point Post Construction Defect Inspection (PCDI) program offered by SDSS provides significant tangible benefits to all stakeholders, builders, developers, and consumers alike. It is the nature of construction that there will be some minor building defects in a finished development. These are typically found and reported by the new owners of residential units within the first weeks of occupation. As willing as the builder may be to rectify any flaws, the logistics of arranging access once there is occupation in a building tends to be a challenge for trades and residents alike. The PCDI program allows for minor defects to be rectified prior to residency and thereby removing the logistics challenge of gaining access afterwards, which is to the benefit of the builder, developer and unit owners alike.

The optimal time for a PCDI is once final clean has taken place, all services have been commissioned but before there is any occupancy in the building. The SDSS team will go in to carry out an extensive inspection of every residential unit, common areas, roof and basement levels, etc. We spend on average between 45 minutes and an hour in each standard apartment where our exacting inspection includes all finishes, equipment functions and presentation. The falls in bathrooms and other wet areas are measured and checked for compliance, a CCTV camera is used to ensure wastes and drains are free of obstructions, air conditioning temperature is checked on both hot and cold cycles with the temperatures achieved recorded for each room. Particular attention is given to tiled finishes in bathrooms as well as general cabinetry. Appliances are checked for basic operational function and exhaust fans checked for correct operation. The NSW Guide to Standards and Tolerances is used as the benchmark reference for the inspections with all findings recorded on our own software.

On conclusion of the inspections, a report is issued to the builder/developer to allow for the prompt rectification of any items identified. The report can be produced either by apartment or by trade lending itself to be used for retention with subcontractors if required. Once all identified defects have been addressed, SDSS issue a 100 Point Certificate of Quality for each individual residential unit.

The issue of the 100 Point Certificate of Quality instils confidence and peace of mind in the consumer knowing that an independent third party has carried out a detailed inspection on the apartment they are considering.

Contact us to learn how our PCDI program can help achieve a premium and successful outcome for your project.